Visitors’ address:
Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
Saarstraße 21
55122 Mainz, GERMANY
Postal address:
Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
55099 Mainz, GERMANY
Main campus entrance by car:
55128 Mainz, GERMANY
For your navigation device:
Ackermannweg 11, 55128 Mainz
GPS coordinates (“Hauptpforte):
N 49.591902 / E 8.135495 (decimal degrees)
from Germany: 06131 39-0
from abroad: +49 6131 39-0
Gutenberg Campus map and directions
Visitors’ address:
Faculty 06 of Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
An der Hochschule 2
76726 Germersheim, GERMANY
Postal address:
Faculty 06 of Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
Postfach 11 50
76711 Germersheim, GERMANY
Germersheim Campus map and directions (in German)
Visitors’ and postal address:
University Medical Center of Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
Langenbeckstraße 1
55131 Mainz, GERMANY
from Germany: 06131 17-0
from abroad: +49 6131 17-0
Directions (in German)
Information on research funding, research projects, and knowledge and technology transfer
Contacts in the Research and Technology Transfer Office
Student information and advising on JGU degree programs, application procedures, and the organization of one’s studies
Student Service Center Hotline:
from Germany: 06131 39-22122
from abroad: +49 6131 39-22122
Contacts in Student Services
Information on continuing education and lifelong learning at JGU for professionals and graduates
Contacts in the Center for Lifelong Learning
Information and advising for students and academics from abroad
Contacts in the International Office
Information for media representatives and the general public
Contacts in the Press and Public Relations Office

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